Friday, March 31, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Tuesday, March 28, 2006
MIMI TURNS 36: riiight

Saturday, March 25, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
WILL YOUNG'S NEW VIDEO: "refreshing"

Watch Who Am I here.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
SPUNK SPINS: james and corinne can f off

"Yeah, and?" - we hear you ponder. Well it seems that the aformentioned safe and middle-of-the-road recipe for success employed to promote Fallout Boy was shaken to its very core when, two weeks ago, a string of hilarious naked self-portraits of (rather gay and well buff) guitarist Pete Wentz leaked onto the intranot for all to see. Becoming suddenly interesting, we decided to keep tabs on the band's next release. AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW!! IT'S A CORKER!!!
Dance Dance is everything that great pop should be, should you foolishly choose to drain it of all its fun by adding layer upon layer of 'hardcore' guitars. Which means it's good but kind of wrong, but really quite good. The video is a bit lame, favouring the overly exploited highschool Freaks & Geeks versus The Popular Kids-theme. It does however have some great 50s dancing and, as expected, a lot of Pete (with clothes on) smiling at the camera and kissing a girl. That's GIRL.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
RIHANNA: pisses on beyonce

BUT IT HASN'T!!! Our iTunes play-count doesn't lie, and it screams that we have officially become obsessed. Every now and then we think to ourselves "if I had to become deaf from listening to one song so loudly my ears would bleed until they disintegrated, it would be this one". Well dearest readers, at this very moment in time, it's this one.
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Somewhere in the world, her album Do Not Disturb is sitting quietly, raking up dust and yellowed memories of what pop ingenuity could have been. We'll give you a lung in exchange for a copy if you can find one.
LADY SOVEREIGN: provides a hypothesis concerning jentina's demise

You was born in a caravan,
That don't make you ghetto
I seen more ghetto in posh spice's stelleto
You chat like a blonde but i swear your a brunette
When's your carrer endin'?
Tell me as soon as
'cause ur fuckin' annoyin' ma ears
with your bullshit walk and
bullshit talk and
crack head dances!
and you didnt get crap advances
Your record labels dumb
for signing a fitch
who can tracks her bum
whos still askin her mum "whats cum?"
your fake and you look k-cut
try wearing less make-up
you got a quiff like elvis
how can you sell this
"escalade, st tropez"
What escalade!?
i saw you drivin a Nissan Sunny
down Peckham way.
wanna wanna wanna b wanna b
sad arse strippah in a messed-up way
Get out da car 'n' drop ya hair sprays
wanna wanna wanna wanna b wanna b
sad arse stripper in a meseed-up way,
How da fuck did you get airplay?
fuckin' fake Fuckin' fake, fuckin' fake fuckin' fake
Jenny from da block more like jenny from a flock of pidgeons
What class A drug did they put in it?
Chicken- all spazin out in the video like you're trippin'
Incase your mum gave birth while she was strippin'
Shuka Shake, shake the brake your hips
And fall out of your caravan right into a ditch, bitch!
sad arse stripper in a messed-up way
How da f**k did ya get airplay?
fu**kin fake fuckin fake x2
I have come to fuck up your carerra
Bitch- dont fuck around wid dis titch, yeah!
I, have cum 2 really take da piss
And, you, will take dis lyrical dis'!
Ah, yeah!
You been chattin' bout ya gucci thongs
but how many weeks, bitch have u had it on (eurgh!)
I can tell by your dances
dat it's sum wear stuck up her bum (eurgh!)
burberraay... St. Tropeaay..
When are ya' gunna learn to speak properlaay?!
Who gives a shit anyway?
Just some dirty ol' men in cell block H
Fuckin' fake, Fuckin' fake, Fuckin' fake, Fuckin' fake
Saturday, March 11, 2006
KELLY CLARKSON: is the shit

Friday, March 10, 2006
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

THE CONS: - She is really foreign. Not so much in the way that she's a tad mysterious and thinks that sex is somehow NORMAL, but in the way that you'd expect a foreign-exchange swedish girl to say "jesus christ" a lot, and probably not shave her armpits - She called Madonna 'spineless' for pulling the video for American Life - She yodels and generally sounds like she's singing from the back of her throat, Morrissey-style, which is never good.
THE PROS: - Underneath Your Clothes is the most irritating song in the world, yet it NEVER LEAVES YOUR HEAD ONCE SOMEONE HUMS IT AT WORK - She dances using hilarious body spasms! - Her pink guitar in the video for Don't Bother is amazing - She's got a fat arse and she rocks it, which is always good.
So there you have it. The female Enrique Iglesias somehow does it for us, and we're sorry. Je suis desole. Ik ben droovig. So Nos Piagente. Pardonna me.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
DARREN HAYE'S HAIR: we investigate

In Mr Haye's case, we observe a severe decline in record sales correlating with an increased attractiveness in hairstyle. At his peak, back in the early days of Savage Garden, Darren sported a more experimental take on A1's Ben Adams' ridiculous curtains. Curtains = millions of record sales. Wonderful. However, for their second and last album, he decided to trim the barnet, becoming suddenly rather fanciable. Short, sexy hair = The Dumper.
A chillingly similar pattern emerges in his solo ventures. Back when (most amazing ballad ever) Insatiable was released, Darrs was spotted round town in a grotesque blonde, long, curly 'do. Bo-Peep Curls = Number 1 Hit Single! But again, when promoting his latest CD The Tension And The Spark (by far his best work yet), our fabulous popster went for the cropped chop, and so did his album sales.
And so we conclude with a word of advise to Darren: book some quality time at your local Essentuals for a cut and colour, and watch the dollars rake in by the bucket-load. We look forward to your glorious comeback.
SPUNK MAGAZINE: branching out! etc
Dearest readers, in the spirit of every single managazine/ newspaper/tv show in the history of the world ever, SPUNK MAGAZINE is "proud" to present OUR FIRST WEEKLY TOPICAL BAROMETER!
Britney second baby rumours toughening
will this decade-long string of trashy behaviour ever get boring?
Will Young's penis on the cover of Heat Magazine
the world's best gossip mag never fails to prevail
Alan Carr's topical barometer
the only bareable bit in Channel4's The Friday Night Project
Britney second baby rumours toughening
may delay new material being release if found to be true :(
The 2006 NME awards
using every single 'indie' stereotype in the book in the name of promoting real music. pop is definitely the new punk
Non-religious people fasting for lent
"it's just like a new year's resolution" - no it's not. now fuck off and eat chocolate
Britney second baby rumours toughening
will this decade-long string of trashy behaviour ever get boring?
Will Young's penis on the cover of Heat Magazine
the world's best gossip mag never fails to prevail
Alan Carr's topical barometer
the only bareable bit in Channel4's The Friday Night Project
Britney second baby rumours toughening
may delay new material being release if found to be true :(
The 2006 NME awards
using every single 'indie' stereotype in the book in the name of promoting real music. pop is definitely the new punk
Non-religious people fasting for lent
"it's just like a new year's resolution" - no it's not. now fuck off and eat chocolate

AGUI: back to basics

Click Here Now for the footage we previously reported on, where Christina talks about her new album Back To Basics. Bit of a shit title, but she's currently just 'toying' with the idea, which means hopefully some half-human record executive will suggest something amazing. Like, 'Stripped 2' or something. Hurrah!
SPUNK SPINS: rihanna does human league
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